Cleansing hydrophilic oil with houttuynia extract provides deep and effective cleansing of the skin from decorative cosmetics, impurities and sunscreens.
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Cleansing hydrophilic oil with houttuynie extract
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22,95 € Первоначальная цена составляла 22,95 €.19,51 €Текущая цена: 19,51 €.
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Cleansing hydrophilic oil with houttuynia extract provides deep and effective cleansing of the skin from decorative cosmetics, impurities and sunscreens.
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Directions for use: Apply the required amount of product to dry skin of the face with dry hands using massage movements until makeup and dirt are completely dissolved. Then add a little water and massage until the product dissolves into a light milk, then rinse off the product completely with water and proceed to the second stage of cleansing with foam or gel.
Volume: 200ml
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